Guaranteed Interest Options (GIO’s)

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Guaranteed Interest Options (GIO's)

Safety and Security for Your Future Financial Goals

A guaranteed interest option (GIO) is an investment that protects the original amount invested while guaranteeing a rate of return. By ensuring a return rate on your investment, a GIO can provide you with a clearer picture of your financial future.

GIOs may be more attractive to investors concerned about market swings and want to ensure their investment principal remains safe.​

How does it work?

GIOs feature a variety of interest options and investment terms. Your GIO term can range from 12 months to several years, with interest rates based on the original amount invested.

A GIO gives you the ability to liquidate and provides you easy access to your money when it’s needed.

How will it benefit me?

Estate bypass

Unlike a Guaranteed Interest Certificate (or GIC) offered through a bank, a guaranteed interest option can help you avoid estate and probate fees as your investment will get paid directly to your designated beneficiary following death.

happy family running on beach

It’s an effective way of seamlessly passing your investment–including the principal and interest–to your loved ones.

Creditor protection

Because it’s classified as an annuity policy, your investment could qualify for creditor protection if you file for bankruptcy.

Get in touch today and talk with one of our advisors about how a guaranteed interest option can benefit you.