Segregated Funds

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Segregated Funds

Investing Without The Worry

Segregated funds are market-based investments that are like mutual funds.

But because the fund’s contract is an insurance contract, segregated funds have many benefits that mutual funds don’t.

Some of these advantages include:

  • Death and maturity guarantee.
  • Diversification.
  • Simplicity and choice.
  • Potential creditor protection.
  • No trustee fees.
  • Estate bypass.
  • Loss protections (contracts guarantee 75-100% of your initial investment when the contract matures or with death).
  • Allow named beneficiaries so that the death benefit bypasses the estate and goes directly to them.
  • Can control how and when the benefit gets paid out (more flexibility).
retired couple walking arm in arm

Contact us today and learn how we can help you get started with segregated funds.